Chris Thomas – Owner and Primary Instructor
Chris has 30+ years of experience in shooting and 10+ years of teaching experience (4 in firearms.) He has been a competitive shooter in the IDPA sport for several years. He enjoys taking further tactical and technique training when possible. He started out to be a teacher before landing in the IT world and that background helps with explaining what may be new concepts to students. Certified by: NRA (National Rifle Association) and USCCA (US Concealed Carry Association.)
Brad Krumme – Associate Instructor
Brad has been shooting 25+ years, teaching firearms for 5, and is also a competitive shooter in both the IDPA and USPSA sports. He is a sponsored shooter who attends matches at all levels up to and including USPSA Nationals. Certified by: NRA (National Rifle Association) and USCCA (US Concealed Carry Association.)